Ever since my Frontier arrived, I’ve been living in my garage, according to my wife, as I equipped it for fishing. I actually could have set it up in one day because of the flexibility provided by the Freedom Track. It’s very simple to change from one configuration to another. The following photos show my Frontier equipped with two swivel seats, my side imaging depth finder and my custom “kayak cane”; two swivel seats and rod holders set up for trolling; and a single seat and depth finder set up for optimum recording for use with mapping software. With the Freedom Track, I can position my seat so the Frontier is perfectly balanced and sits level in the water to optimize mapping results.
To fabricate the custom pieces that I needed I used a Marine Lumber in one-half inch thickness called Starboard. I used two pieces, five and one-half inches by ten inches as extensions on my apparatus board so I could re-use the depth finder arrangement from my old 12 foot NuCanoe. To mount my rod holders for trolling, I used a piece four and one-half inches by twenty five inches. For added stability, I fastened the board in the Freedom Track with two screws on each side of the board. The board also holds a small storage box miscellaneous tackle items. As you can see in the photos, I used the Freedom Track to mount a small tackle box for storage of larger items of tackle.
Another feature on my Frontier configuration is an accessory that I call a “kayak cane”. Many of the people with whom I fish are also retired. They come with their knee, hip, and back ailments, which at times result in problems getting in and out of my boat. My “kayak cane” which is mounted on two Ram-Mount balls gives these fishermen something to grab for added support as they sit or stand. The “kayak cane” can also be used with my trolling rod Ram-Mounts to allow me to steady myself while I stand and fish. While the Frontier allows for comfortable standing, the “kayak Cane” provides and added level of safety, especially for us old-timers.
As a final point, while surfing the internet I realized that a company called “Sea to Summit” was manufacturing a kayak cart that is larger than the standard size kayak trolley. The support bar of the larger cart is 25 inches compared to 18 inches on the standard model. This works very well on the wider beam of the NuCanoes.
Over the next few weeks I’ll be spending more time on the water and will probably be realizing more ways to customize the Frontier. If you have any questions for me, please feel free to send an e-mail. My address is listed with the Team NuCanoe members.
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