Round III ... Lets just say I was more than excited to fish
this one. The tournament was another roadrunner but with a twist; we had
the option to fish two different sister lakes, both along the Colorado
river to form Lake Austin and Lady Bird Lake, in of course Austin TX.
Each lake is known to put up BIG large mouth bass....I
should know I recently caught my first DD on Lake Austin 10.5lbs !!!!
along with many fish over 5lbs....... but enough with the bragging ;)
back to the fishing.
The keeper ..hahaha. |
Personally, I wanted to fish lake Austin due to the larger bass
being caught there recently, but I knew of another bass boat tournament being
held there that morning. I felt equally confident with both lakes so it
was no big deal. I arrived to the check-in to see a ton of vehicles
there early. I already knew what that meant, and I was right ......the
largest KATS tournament EVER! There were kayaks and anglers
everywhere. Just a little over 100 anglers is what they mentioned at
, that certainly changes the fishing a bit.
My Baby! |
The horn is blown and we all set out. Sadly for me, we meet at my
launch spot and things took a while to launch and others were able to
capitalize on a head start to the go-to spots. I'll admit it, I was a
worried about that. The first two hours were dead and filled with
paddling along with
slow fishing. I finally got to a somewhat decent spot and
pulled out my senko and went to work. Sure enough on the second cast I
get the tap I was looking for. I set the hook and started reeling... I
could tell it was small but hoped it would meet the line. After boating
the fish I pulled out my measure board from under my oh so nice/ NEW and
convenient Rigid360 seat base...... No surprise, the fish was only
13inches, and too bad he was kind of a football, fat belly fish... lol.
Proceeding to fish I continued to pitch my senko and picked up two more
small non keepers. Time now was running out and I had yet to catch a
fourteen inch fish. After not getting any more bites for a while
I moved off that spot to find another location. I headed towards a
laydown in 5-8 feet of water. Thankfully I pulled 1 fish after 10
mins on this one spot. Moving quickly I measured her up and got a few
more cast in before I had to paddle back to the launch spot.
The ride
back was a windy one and took a while. Fortunately I made it back in
time to submit my card, and attend the raffle. It was quite a day but
very fun. The largest fish caught that day was 26 inches long and over
10 pounds. In case anyone was curious about these lakes producing big
fish. Another great NuCanoe adventure in the books.
Tight Lines !
down town Austin from Lady Bird Lake |
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